Guest post by Caroline Markowitz – MS candidate in nutrition and exercise physiology at Columbia University
Grocery stores and farmers markets display signs touting “organic” and “local” above their produce. But so many of us feel fraught with confusion. Is eating organic always better? What if something is local but not organic, what should I choose? What does it all mean? The questions feel never ending. In a recent NYTimes “Climate Fwd” newsletter, Eduardo Garcia and Lisa Friedman explain that organic farming can have an equal (if not greater) carbon footprint than conventional farming; however, organic farming is likely better for the planet overall because it does not use synthetic herbicides and pesticides that conventional farming relies on.
Conventional agriculture: “a broad term that has a number of definitions, but a crop can be classified as conventional if synthetic chemicals are used to maintain the plants. A significant amount of chemical and energy input is required in conventional agriculture to produce the highest possible yield of crops.”
Organic agriculture: “Organic farmers, ranchers, and food processors use agricultural methods intended to preserve the environment. USDA organic regulations restrict the use of certain conventional tools such as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.”
Local farming: “Local farming means short distribution channels – channels involving no more than one intermediary between farm and consumer. Local farming is aimed at, among other things, reducing the distances travelled by fruits and at reestablishing the relationship between consumer and farmer.”