Classic Comfort Food
During the winter, we eat soup for the sheer fact that it warms us up. While I make soup for the same reason, I also do it for nostalgia. I crave the nourishing soups and stews my mother was famous for. While she would cook many different types of soups, she always made the most variations of blended soup. I fondly remember coming home a friend’s house on the weekends and smelling the varied aromas wafting through the kitchen. This is because my mother cooks her soups at a low temperature for a long time in the oven to really conjure the distinct flavors of all the vegetables, meat, herbs and spices.

To this day, I’ve never come across soup that is more flavorful than hers. It’s probably because most people can’t take the time to wait for it to be ready! Or, they’re not comfortable leaving their oven unattended for many hours at a time. But even if time isn’t on your side, it’s not a reason to skip out on soup. Soup is one of the best things you can make to help ensure that half of what you eat at every meal is vegetables. Soup can sometimes be on the lighter side, but it becomes a complete meal when you add a nutrient dense protein to accompany it. Perfect protein additions include chicken, beans, a soft (or hard!) boiled egg and yogurt.